General Baptist Statements of Faith Commentary by Dr. Douglas Low (Level 300)

397 item(s)

Excerpt: I welcome you to a reading of the Statements of Faith and the Church Covenant of the General Association of General Baptist. If you are General Baptist I encourage your reflection on our statements. They are our historic position that we consider to be biblically faithful and sufficiently adequate to unite us as a people. If you are not General Baptist, let me thank you for your interest in us. I hope your reading encourages you to perceive our desire to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ and that you will acknowledge us as one group, among others, that rightfully and joyfully claims the name Christian.


Excerpt: I welcome you to a reading of the Statements of Faith and the Church Covenant of the General Association of General Baptist. If you are General Baptist I encourage your reflection on our statements. They are our historic position that we consider to be biblically faithful and sufficiently adequate to unite us as a people. If you are not General Baptist, let me thank you for your interest in us. I hope your reading encourages you to perceive our desire to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ and that you will acknowledge us as one group, among others, taht rightfully and joyfully claims the name christian.

Good to know