Meet the General Baptists By Edwin Runyon (Level 100)

164 item(s)
The pages you have before you are not just a theology book in the stricest sense of that term although they contain theology. It is far from being a historu book although it contains some history. It is more an opening up of our hearts and minds and introducing ourselves to the world as General...

The pages you have before you are not just a theology book in the stricest sense of that term although they contain theology. It is far from being a historu book although it contains some history. It is more an opening up of our hearts and minds and introducing ourselves to the world as General Baptists. For far too long wehave just talked to ourseleves. The publication of the book gives us an opportunity to speak to the outside world and to let that world know some of the beleifs, backgrounds, attitudes, motives, hopes and dreams of the people called General Baptists.

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