Literature / Curriculum

*Pictures may not match current quarter*

We are currently taking orders for the Spring 2025 Quarter. Shipping will start Jan 27th . If you have any questions, please call us at 573-686-6011


Spring Qtr: March 31st, Summer Qtr: June 30th, Fall Qtr: September 30th, Winter Qtr: December 15th

If you would like to order Randall House Literature please call us to place your order.

RANDALL HOUSE RETURNS ONLY***Sept/Oct block-Sept 22nd, Nov/Dec block–Nov 22nd, Jan/Feb-block Jan 22nd, Mar/Apr block-Mar 22nd , May-June block-May 22nd , July/Aug-block July 22nd

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Creative Teaching Aids provide all essential audio and visual resources to go with the Teacher’s Guide and enhance lessons. This packet includes Bible-art posters and figures, puppets, a quarterly attendance chart, a music PraisePac CD-featuring three original worship songs that correlate with...

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Enjoy these correlated activities with your students as they learn to apply the Bible lesson. (One per child)

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This craft book provides simple projects your preschoolers can make with their own hands. Each craft is designed to reinforce the weekly Lesson Focus and help your children remember the Bible story. Print only. Need one per child. Frequently Purchased with the Preschool Make It/Take It Craft...

1 item(s)
Preschool Children will enjoy these make-and-share activities—including peel-n-press stickers and Waterpaint™ activities—that support each lesson for kids ages 3 and 4. Order 1 per student.

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Send home this beautifully illustrated two-sided card to help Bible lessons thrive in kid’s hearts and hands as they take weekly lessons home. Each card presents the Bible story and includes family suggestions for parents to extend the Bible lesson into the home during the week. Print only....

1 item(s)
Includes eight sheets of interactive Preschool visuals and a reproducible CD for kids ages 3 and 4. The CD has unit and Bible Memory songs and printable files that include coloring pages, unit Bible Memory posters and motions (in KJV and ICB), song lyrics, Bible story music activities, activity...

1 item(s)
Create interest among your students with these colorful visuals that supplement every lesson of the quarter.

1 item(s)
Simplify Preschool lesson planning with 1 easy kit for kids ages 3 and 4! The kit includes 1 Preschool Teacher Guide, 1 Preschool Resources pack (with CD), 1 Preschool Make-n-Share activity book, 1 copy of Preschool/Pre-K & K Teaching Pictures, and 1 set of the Heart Tugs family resource.

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Guide Preschoolers to know God’s love and discover the truth of His Word! In this quarterly guide you’ll find age-appropriate lessons that build on spiritual development to form a faith foundation for life. Lessons include background information on the Bible story, tips on understanding and...

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Teacher helps are woven throughout this manual, along with important spiritual guidance as you teach young children during their formative years.

1 item(s)
Features 13 complete, age-appropriate Preschool lessons for kids ages 3 and 4. Includes more than 2 hours of active Bible learning, activity options for 2s, teaching tips, beginning Bible skills, and Quick Steps™!

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Preschool Teaching Essentials provide the resources needed to most effectively teach two-to five-year-olds. Each teaching essentials kit includes one Preschool Teaching Guide, teaching pictures and posters, reproducible sheets, application verse posters, and attendance posters. Preschool...

1 item(s)
The Preschool Teaching Guide is the leader’s guide for those who teach two-to five-year-olds. Packed with age-appropriate activities and suggestions, this teaching guide will help you connect with the preschoolers in your class and challenge them to learn and apply the truths of God’s Word.

1 item(s)
Fun and helpful family activities reinforce the Preschool and Pre-K & K lessons in Heart Tugs for kids ages 3 to 6. Includes age-focused activities for 3s through kindergarten. Order 1 set for every 5 students.

Help the Preschool and Pre-K & K lessons come alive with these colorful, age-appropriate, Bible teaching pictures for kids ages 3 to 6. Order 1 per student.

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With full-color activities, fun puzzles, and engaging quizzes, children will thoroughly enjoy this hands-on approach to Bible learning. To be paired with Primary Bible Teacher+. Primary Bible Learner+ is our new quarterly designed specifically for young school-age children. Every lesson...

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Need help knowing which truths to stress or how to help the Bible lesson stick? Our newly reimagined Primary Bible Teacher+ is an invaluable teaching aid that will help you effectively impart God’s truth. Primary Bible Teacher+ is our fully refreshed and expanded guide for the teacher of...

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Designed for in-class learning, these guides feature colorful art combined with interesting word games for attention grabbing applications. (One per child)

1 item(s)
Designed for in-class learning, these guides feature brightly colored art combined with interesting word games for attention grabbing applications. (One per child)

1 item(s)
Each quarterly book contains lessons that speak directly to Primary students and encourage life application of Biblical lessons. (One per student)

1 item(s)
Be ready every Sunday morning with Bible lessons, stories, and learning activities. Each lesson component is planned to coordinate with the others to allow you to communicate Biblical truths easily.

1 item(s)
Greater student participation results through the use of a variety of teaching aids for your classroom. Memory visuals, charts, teaching pictures, and much more.

1 item(s)
Provides Bible lessons, stories, learning activities, and on-the-job training for teachers who have accepted the call to teach. Be well equipped to meet first- and second-graders' needs.

1 item(s)
Packed with materials such as bulletin board figures, Bible story figures, and application visuals! Kids can hardly help but get involved. Kit includes colorful posters, pictures, and/or figures. Activity sheets to enhance learning. Eye-catching life-application sheets
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