SEEN TEEN Leader's Guide Jr High & High School

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SEEN™ puts expert-tested, teen-transforming material in the hands of any youth leader. Three units make up each quarter. One unit is focused on spiritual growth, one is focused on character development, and one is focused on practical skills for life. Each unit is made up of four sessions in...

SEEN™ puts expert-tested, teen-transforming material in the hands of any youth leader. Three units make up each quarter. One unit is focused on spiritual growth, one is focused on character development, and one is focused on practical skills for life. Each unit is made up of four sessions in which essential principles are wrestled with and discussed through a biblical worldview.

Leader's Guide features:

  • 12 lessons
  • Bible commentary and Bible culture clues
  • 2 expert articles on helping teens in crisis, counseling, understanding trauma, etc.
  • in-lesson teacher tips to help deal with sticky situations that may arise on the fly
  • bonus material to help with hard questions

This Fall, teens will learn about:

  • God is...
  • Authority
  • Powerful Words
Order 1 per teacher

Good to know