2020 VBS Kits

2020 VBS Themes Released
and Ready For Sale!
We are so excited! We just got in our vacation bible school kits from Group publishing and they have some great themes and materials for this year!
First up is the flagship theme this year – Rocky Railway. Kids’ lives are unpredictable, filled with ups and downs, drops and dips, and twists and turns. Rocky Railway is intentionally designed to show kids the power of Jesus – something they can count on to pull them through when life doesn’t feel so fun or adventurous.
Next is Wilderness Escape – In wilderness escape, you will caravan with Moses and the Israelites as they escape Egypt and learn to trust God. What would it be like to sit down with Moses, listen to his stories, marvel, and his unwavering faith, ask him questions, and learn to trust in God the way he did when he led the Israelites out of Egypt? Your kids are going to find out!
Finally, we have Anchored VBS. Anchored is the weekend version of VBS and is written to fit into just two days plus a Sunday celebration. Of course, you can do the sessions on other days. If you have a Wednesday evening kids' time, Anchored can be used as a break from the routine and bring in some variety and adventure.
As a matter of fact, you can do that with any of the VBS programs. Take a break from your regular Sunday school curriculum or use them in a Sunday or Wednesday evening setting. They’re not just for summer anymore!
We have Anchored and Rocky Railways kits in stock today and we can order Wilderness Escape kits or any of the craft items and set decorations for you as well.
We even have a 10% discount if you order by April 1st June 15th!
Give us a call at 573-686-6011 for more information.