Getting Ready for the Big Day - Part 4

This is the season to be
Intentionally Friendly!
Karl Vaters wrote in Christianity Today about the importance of Intentional Friendliness.
- "Coming to a small church for the first time is an act of great vulnerability. So it’s important to do personal things well. Making a great first impression at your church is not about size or money. And it’s not about marketing or consumerism. It’s about caring for people."
One thing we have learned from other healthy churches, as well as new church plants, is that they work hard at making a good first impression.
- "First impressions are so important that they've become part of today's pastoral training... Being small is no excuse to do First Impressions poorly. In fact, it may be more important in a small church."
November 17th - 5 Weeks Out
Time to focus on your VIPs/Guests/Visitors!
Time is getting close for your special Christmas services. Take some of that time and be intentional with your First Impressions Team. Help them get ready for the extra guests by refreshing their training. It may be time to take a look at your church from the viewpoint of someone new and seeing your church for the first time.
Can they see your entrance easily?
Are your children's areas clearly marked?
Are there people available to help them navigate through your facility?
Do your greeters know to welcome new guests and help them find everything? We call it one-touch greeting. One person greets a new guest and helps them all the way through.
- Help guests with any access problems such as walkers, wheelchairs, etc.
- Help families with any child's bags, find kids areas, help them register if needed.
- Show them to any hospitality areas and help them with a beverage/snack or whatever you offer.
- Point out restrooms and any other facility areas they may need.
- Ask where they would prefer to sit and help them into your auditorium or hand off to ushers if present.
Here are some ideas to help make a Good First Impression with your Christmas Guests:
- Make sure VIP gifts are ordered. There are many ideas for giveaways. Find a gift that fits your church's style and personality. (and budget! lol!)
- Create a Movie Night Package - purchase inexpensive cardboard popcorn containers and fill with a RedBox gift card, good microwave popcorn, and a Printed Thank You Card with additional information to help them connect with your church.
- Thermal Tumblers - These are very popular and can easily be printed with your church logo and contact information.
- Stadium Cups - Also very popular and very inexpensive. Great for ministries on a budget.
- Custom Printed Coffee Mugs
- Custom Printed Pens and Note Pads
- Make sure 1st Impressions/Greeters have extra help lined up
- With the extra traffic, you will need extra greeters to help guests find their way to your auditorium, where your children's ministries are, restroom locations, etc.
- Be sure you take the time to train the additional help! Extra bodies won't help make a GOOD first impression unless they know how to.
- Consider Attention Grabbers
- Custom printed greeter T-shirts can help new guests find a friendly face.
- A custom shirt with ASK ME! or LET ME HELP! plus your church graphics can help identify your Welcome Crew.
- Don't forget Custom Lanyards and Name Badges.
- Lanyards and name badges also help your guests identify people who can help.
- Custom printed greeter T-shirts can help new guests find a friendly face.
Contact us today to help with your next sermon series or "big day" event. Call met (573) 686-6011 or email us at
Todd Luke, CMPStinson Press
General Manager