
This is the season to be Intentionally Friendly! Karl Vaters wrote in Christianity Today about the importance of Intentional Friendliness. "Coming to a small church for the first time is an...

Are You Ready for the Christmas Rush? A recent report by the Pew Research Center shows that over half of Americans plan on attending a religious service during the Christmas season. That's a...

A quick Google search for Christmas Sermon Ideas pulls up page upon page of list upon list of - "40 Christmas Sermon Ideas" or "20 Trending Christmas Sermons" or "12 Essential Sermons for...

YES! The quick and short answer is a most definite yes. While there is much to be said for the small group model, both pros and cons - yeas and nays, the same is true of the traditional Sunday...

It's one of the two biggest days for churches. Christmas and Easter. According to a survey by Lifeway Research , over 60% of Americans are planning to attend a Christmas service - even 30%...

Every pastor knows it takes lots of planning to prepare a new sermon series for their church. The study, the research, the prayer – all necessary to prepare for the next series. Now you’ve...

Next Sunday, May 12th Despite the fact that we ought to show adoration to our moms each and every day, Mother's Day is that one day when we demonstrate the most love, when we try to make them...

Easter is only a few weeks away... Time to start preparing for new guests!
Yesterday, Ash Wednesday, marked the beginning of the Lent season. That means Easter is only a short six weeks...